Book Review: Golf on the Moon by Dick Hess (✮✮✮✮✮)

Golf on the Moon by Dick Hess

Golf on the Moon by Dick Hess

Title: Golf on the Moon: Entertaining Mathematical Paradoxes and Puzzles

Author: Dick Hess

Genre: Mathematics, children’s/young adult , non-fiction

Publisher: Dover Publications

Pages: 160 pages

Publication Date: 16th July 2014 

My Rating: 5/5

Hi there friends,

I’ve just finished taxing my brain with this collection of mathematical puzzles, brain teasers and mind bogglers! Not only is it fun and challenging, you don’t realise that you’re learning at the same time. Here’s what I thought about the book:

I received a free digital copy of the book from Dover Publications via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

This is a great collection of fun puzzles which take some think about to solve! I’m an adult and even I struggled for a bit to work some of them out. Though the recommended age of the puzzles is 12+, I think that some primary school children would definitely have fun having a go at solving some of these. Some great mathematical puzzles to warm up the brain, they’d be great to use as a quick starter or plenary activity in a lesson.

It’s a fun collection, but not one that you would want to complete from the beginning to the end – I think my brain would hurt! I had lots of fun completing a few of the puzzles from each section and looking through the others. Great ideas to use in the classroom and quick activities or extensions. A well thought out and logically intriguing book designed to challenge the brain!

If you want to grab a copy, you can do so from Amazon UK HERE. If you read the book, let me know what you thought about it in the comments below. Enjoyed my review? Like this post and maybe even give me a cheeky follow too!

Happy reading,
Anna x

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